Lovely 3 Bed home in Brighton, England

LOOKING FOR EXCHANGE for one week between 1st and 18th April 2010 and summer holidays for two weeks in August 2010

Tres belle maison familiale dans quartier residentiel de Brighton entre mer et campagne. A une heure en train de Londres. Situee entre deux parcs dont l'un avec piste cyclable. Sur une ligne de bus qui va directement en ville et plage. Looking for holiday house by the sea or with swimming pool if possible for August 2010

Cherchons une maison au bord de la mer seulement avec piscine si possible

!!! Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas nous occuper d'animaux de compagnie car mon mari est allergique aux poils de chats et chien. Par consequent n'acceptons pas d'animaux dans notre maison non plus.

Very nice family house between the sea and the countryside. Beautiful part of GB, lively and trendy city only one hour by train to London. Are looking for April and August summer holiday exchange. Our sons would like to be by the sea. We cannot look after or have pets in our house as my husband is very allergic to pets hair. You do not need a car in Brighton because the bus service is fantastic. It takes you to the Downs(countryside) were you can walk for miles and along the coast. We are 10 mns walk from the nearest train station that takes you to London in an hour.

Type of swap

  • Home Exchange

Conditions of exchange

  • Non smokers only
  • No pets allowed
  • Children welcome

Brighton (HE22591)

East Sussex,   England

  • 3 bed   (sleeps 5) 1 bath

Preferred destinations

  • Open to offers for August as long as in the sunshine by the sea

Dates available

Open to offers

Swap duration: 1 - 2 weeks


Meet the member

Adults: 2      Children: 2
Experienced Exchanger

Membership expiry date: 17 Apr 2010